martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Oh romeo! Oh romeo!

Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo!

   In the subject of language the teacher asked to writte an essay to give our opinion of the play, "Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo!"

This is the scene of the balcany in "Romeo and Juliet

      Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo! Is a parody from a festival Shakeaspeare and of the plays, "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet", "Macbeth", "The Tempest" performed by students from Newlands School. In this essay we will develop the things we liked and the thigs we did not like about the play.
      Concerning the things we like about the play, there is costume, we liked how the actors used some old clothes to make their costumes as regards the period of the plays were set. Another thing is how the writters of the plays managed to include all those Shakeaspeare´s plays in one play and the originality on making it a tragic commedy.
These are the 3 witches of "Macbeth"
       As regards the things we did not like there is the quality of the recording and the sound because there are some parts of the play where we could not hear when the actors were talking, and tha part where Juliet is in the balco

ny. We did not like how the scheme was set concerning the place because they did not set the scene properly.
        In conclusion, in my opinion, the play was very good and we has more things that we like that the ones we do not like and the students did a very good job including the four plays in just one.

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