lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

Comparative Essay, Boys will be boys, equal rigths

In "Boys will be boys" after two girls make a mess a man directly acussed boys and in "Eaqual rights" a girl recive less money than boys. That highlight the idea of discrimination.

The story written by Wendy Edmond has some similarities with the short story "Equal rights" as for example that un both stories they discriminante because of gender. In the first story the girls weren't accused for making a mess, the man did not suspiced of the pair of girls, he thought that the gulty were boys. And in the second story when the girl was looking for a job she found one in which she obtained less mony than men just for being a woman.

 That in the two we have an example of discrimination because in boys will be boys the kids were guilty because they do something and it wasnt correct like guilt. Then in the equal rigths it was a girl that recieve less money because she was a girl, so we have another case of discrimination.

 I prefer the story of the equal rights because it shows better the diferences between boys and girls, i'ts very well shown the discrimination, the diference of gendre. However discrimination was more frequent in the past than nowadays

Francisco Leveratto, Lautaro Barros and Bautista Martinez

1 comentario:

  1. Good work. The theme and observations you made are relevant and correct.
    The 3rd paragraph, though, is quite incomplete. Why does it start with "That in the two..."? It´s not clear what you refer to. If this is an answer to one of the questions in the guide you received, you should have introduced the topic in your answer. For example: What the two stories have in como is that in both we have an example of discrimination."
    7 (seven)
