Education is an issue that is really a concern to the complete society in the sense that the way that education is being transmitted in a way that students are thought control. Nowadays the system is trying to find different solutions, but in the movie “The Wall” we can saw how this issue appears, because the movie is trying to show how students enter de school and they go out as if they were al the same.
Teachers that suppress opinions exists everywhere, but by the passing of time the students have more opportunities to express their opinions and not to stay with the idea of the teacher. However the idea of students being "brainwashed" appears frequently because they have to be in favour of what a superior says.
There are two extreme sides, the one that Pink Floyd thought, that the education was unnecessary, that we can see it when in the song "Another brick in the wall, part 2" when he says "we don't need you education" because he thought that education was a farse that change the kids in a bad way.
The other side is the idea that students have to think classically as the books says and they cant think on their own.
To conclude, its difficult to say if the education "brainwash" students but what I think is that the education is vital but it should be changed because students are mostly being obey to think in a way that is not the personal one, that way of teaching leads to the conclusion that the education makes thought control.